What is the best solar heater when thinking about installing a solar heater for savings?
But what are the criteria for the best solar heater and the prices of solar heaters in Egypt?
Every seller or owner of a solar heater company declares that its solar heater is the best and the cheapest solar heater, Solar Water Heater Manufacturers and Suppliers in Egypt
But here we will explain your criteria when considering the installation of the best solar heater as follows and the price of the heater is for a factor of:
1- The company, which is a supplier of solar heaters, has a history of work and a presence in the Egyptian market.
2- Product quality.
3- How the product works and interacts with water.
4- Product Quality and Certification.
5- Product type and parts of the product.
6- After-sales service
Prices of solar heaters in Egypt and Solar Water Heater Manufacturers and Suppliers in Egypt?
Now we will explain each of these elements and their purpose:
1- Before the work of the solar heater supplier company and its presence on the market.
The purpose here is to keep the company stable in the Egyptian market for some time and if the company is needed again, it will not be referred to in this case, the installation of the solar heater will not be made to look after it again, and maintenance will be maintained for the duration of the warranty period and thereafter.
2- Product Quality:
This solar heater has been installed in the Egyptian market in terms of water and heat cycles. How many years? If this heater in Egypt has completed or has not completed its expected life period, then if the quality of the heater is poor it will not perform what is expected of it.
3- How the product works and interacts with water.
In some water heaters, if protection against salt and impurities is not enough, the tank is corroded leading to an unsatisfactory result, is the supplier explaining this point and explaining whether maintenance should be performed, the intervals between the services are what they are, and how they are coordinated.
4- Certification and Quality.
Is this heater certified for installation such as Solar Key Mark Certification or New and Renewable Power Authority Certification?
5 – Product type and parts:
Check the heater manufacturing materials if the tank and heat exchanger are made of stainless steel or made from acetyl or enameled, make the thickness of the tank and the means to shut down the tsunamis, this will show us the required maintenance for the heater and the intervals and the parts needed for the maintenance afterward.
6-aftersales Service:
Knowing if the company is maintaining after-sales service and maintenance will reassure the customer when the need for the company will be met quickly to resolve any problem, but this is known to some customers in the business past and not through competitors.
Thus, we have explained the criteria of what is the best solar heater before offering any part of the solar Heating system and the prices of solar heaters in Egypt
In terms of pre-work, the predecessor of Inter Solar Egypt’s solar heaters exceeded 9000 solar heaters
In terms of product quality, the product has been installed for 13 years in the Egyptian market and has no problem and the rabsoluteguarantee has been completed.
In addition to the product’s operating system, the heater is powered by the closed-circuit mechanism and the heat exchanger (Etanlis316L) which reduces maintenance and requires no magnesium shaft, which reduces the cost of maintenance and the electrical spare heter inside the closed circuit, preventing scale.
Regarding certification and quality, the solar heaters from InterSolar are certified by the New and Renewable Energy Authority in Egypt and obtained Solar key mark certificates.

About after-sales service,
we have an SMP system that helps the customer to be reassured if the company is required at any time will be communicated and coordinated time for the visit and maintenance work As soon as possible
Some of us have explained the advantages and how to choose a solar heaters and what the prices of solar heaters are
The average price of a solar heater is 200 liters a closed circuit from 50,000 to 80,000 pounds
The average price of a solar heater is 300 liters a closed circuit from 80000 to 106000 pounds
The average price of a solar heater with a 330-liter closed circuit is 90000 to 115000 pounds
Therefore, solar heaters from Inter Solar are the best solution.
To book a free preview or learn more about the technical specifications of solar heaters click here