Best solar water heating
Best solar water heating

Best solar water heating Inter Solar Egypt

A question that suggests itself and we are establishing a new place where we provide a water heater to the place, and is it better to buy a safer and better gas heater or electricity a question almost all of us asked him and his pennants.

Why do you choose many? The solution has become present and very safe and there is no need to think about the time-wasting energy so that it is finished.

Clean solar energy has become a general direction in my time and its advantages are so.

Best solar water heating

Before we explain the prices of solar heaters, we learn the advantages of solar heaters from Inter Solar Heaters  

I have a perfect time with the solar heaters from the Inter Solar Energy System, and it benefits from continuous Heating of water based on direct and total reliance on the sun and without any extra costs,

this is in addition Not at all. to the absolute security that you enjoy, and not the leakage of gas, the occurrence of a diamond and electric current, and the most important point is the explosion

 the solar heaters from the Inter Solar System provide you with different absorptive spaces according to your comfort and the need of your home, I mean, if you have calculated it, and you know your average consumption is choppy and you don’t get rid of it

 and also at night and after the absence of the sun, I have to be available and this is due to the storage tanks of energy, which in turn keeps the temperature of the dead throughout the day

 our prices are very reasonable for the complete convenience that the customer will get from the electricity and gas bills which in about two years will be the price saver for the heater


Best solar water heating

After we explained the advantages of the solar heaters from the Inter Solar Heaters, what are the prices of solar heaters, and are the necessary procedures for contracting  

1- Customer is contacted to survey the heater installation site

2- Inspection of plumbing, water pressure, and piping network lengths

3- Choosing the right place to install the solar heater to ensure an effective coin

4- Find out how many people live in the space to determine the capacity in the metric

5- Agree with the customer on the appropriate day of supply and installation

What are the stages of the installation of the solar heater?  

1- Safely and adequately remove the heater from the installation

2- Assemble the chassis of the heater and hold it south at a 35-degree angle

3- The assembly of the collectors and the fitting of their copper connections

4- Install connections between heater and collectors and charge closed circuit

5- If you are not able to use the same product, you will be able to use the same effect as you would like to use the same product

6- Hand over hot water to the customer before operating the heater and confirm there are no leaks

What are the prices of solar heaters? 

The price of solar heaters varies from

The price of a 200-liter solar heater ranges from 50,500 to 75,500 pounds

The price of a solar heater with a capacity of 300 liters ranges from 80000 pounds to 10600 pounds

The price of a 330-liter solar heater ranges from 90000 to 115000 pounds

Best solar water heating

After we explained the prices of solar heaters and how to install, how to maintain heaters operated by (a heat exchanger) system 

1- The detection of a heater and a thermostat do they work properly or not

2- Supply of a closed circuit

3- Wash the complexes well to ensure the quality of Heating and maximum use of the sun’s rays

4- Confirm there is no reference in the cold line

Best solar water heating

After we explained the prices of solar heaters and how to install how to maintain the heaters operated by the double jacket system 

  1. 1- Disconnect the electrical from the heater and close the hot and cold-water pipes
  2. 2- Remove the heater and install a spare heater to avoid wasting hot water in the heater
  3. 3- Reveal the magnesium column and know whether or not the column is changed
  4. 4- Supply a closed circuit with water-mixed Heating fluid
  5. 5- If there are parts to be changed, contact the customer before changing to find out the price of the parts
  6. 6- Maintain the water mat and control panel and confirm no faults exist
  7. 7- Wash the compounds thoroughly to ensure warm-up quality and maximize the benefit of sunlight
  8. 8- Advise the customer that the assemblies are cleaned properly

After we have explained the prices of solar heaters, and how to install and how to maintain solar heaters, why choose Intersolar?

Because Inter Solar has it

1- It was the first business in many different sectors

2- Local and international experience certificates

3- Adoption of new and renewable energy by its body

4- Accreditation of the Armed Forces Engineering Authority

If you’d like to be one of the most discerning Inter Solar customers or book an appointment to make a free preview, click here

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